23 November 2005

Who Cares?

From a Marvel Comics press release...
Marvel is pleased to announce the unveiling of our very own podcasts! ... Podcasting at Marvel.com enables fans to be a proverbial fly on the wall as they listen to creators talk about all of the aspects of what goes into making a comic book. In the near future, there will be many more uses for this innovative technology that is gaining popularity every day on the web. In joining the podcast revolution, Marvel hopes to bring fans closer to their favorite creators, update fans on exciting upcoming projects, and release news that podcast listeners will literally be the first to hear! We thought the best project and special guest to unveil this new development at Marvel.com would be Damon Lindelof, and he was thrilled to be a part of it.
...and so on. I can't imagine anything less exciting than listening to a comics writer droning on about how he wrote a particular funnybook. Except maybe actually sitting down and reading said funnybook.


Sue Bee said...

Happy Thanksgiving J-Dawg!

Sue Bee said...

Happy Thanksgiving J-Dawg!

Sue Bee said...

Happy Thanksgiving J-Dawg!!!