27 November 2005

Black Friday, Gray Saturday

Visited the in-laws for Thanksgiving. Good food, good times. Christ in heaven, it gets cold up by the Great Lakes.

Jen's mom doesn't have cable (!!!) and the only stations that come in well on her TV are Chicago's ABC and UPN affiliates. I was fortunate enough to watch a few episodes of The Parkers, which I had always assumed to be a shitty sitcom that played into negative ethnic stereotypes. Now I know for a fact that The Parkers is a shitty sitcom that plays into negative ethnic stereotypes. Also, series star Mo'Nique looks like a tranny.

Anyway, the day after, we took a trip to IKEA. Man, I love me some IKEA. We were finally able to get that stupid wardrobe we desperately need, plus some other stuff. Only problem is that the wardrobe is too big to fit in our car, so we had to leave it at her dad's house. He'll drive it down in his F-350 in a week or so.

We listened to the audiobook version of Sylvia Nasar's A Beautiful Mind, which, surprise surprise, differs greatly from the movie. For starters, the book gets pretty heavy with all the technical jargon. Listening to Edward Hermann rattle off extended passages dealing with game theory and applied mathematics and the eggheads who dreamt it all up is edifying yet pretty challenging. I'm glad it wasn't night time or I might have dozed off. Still, I appreciate that the book doesn't assume you're a moron and dumb everything down. However, even though we got the abridged version, there are still three CDs to go.


Anonymous said...

yes, but is audiobook having Jennifer Connelly?!?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a good holiday! That must be one huge wardrobe.