26 February 2006

Carl Kolchak, Ralph Furley Dead

No way this guy was older than this guy. Of course, now it's a moot point.

As with half the people, places and things that get mentioned on this piece of shit, I have warm and fuzzy childhood memories of Darren McGavin and Kolchak: The Night Stalker. One in particular: I had pneumonia when I was 6 and I had to stay in the hospital on a Friday night. Since I had been sleeping off and on all day, I was wide awake that evening and into the night, so I watched Kolchak. I later found out it was the episode "Demon in Lace." Good times.

As for Don Knotts, I hated The Andy Griffith Show when I was a kid (I didn't care for "country shows"). It wasn't until later on that I could appreciate how well-drawn its characters were. And then later on, Knotts and his hairpiece turned up in Three's Company as the pervy landlord Ralph Furley. In the early 1980s, ABC reran Three's Company weekday mornings, and I watched it every day on summer vacation before switching over to The Price Is Right. More good times. It wasn't until later on that I could appreciate just how truly awful program Three's Company was.

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